Age Height Hair Eyebrows Forehead Eyes Nose Mouth |
11 years old 1 metre, 20 centimetres (4 feet) light brown light brown round brown large large |
Beard Chin Face Color Special marks Born Department Living |
none round oval good smallpox marks Lanuejois Lozere Robiac |
These were some of the assignments given to Jean Victor as recorded in his little workbook.
(1) Coal Co. of Robiac and Besseges (Gard)
The named, Jean Trochesset begins as a sorter or picker of rocks for the Compagnie de Robiac et Besseges on 9 May 1855. He left on 13 Aug 1860 for a break. Done at Besseges.
Engineer; S. Sacon
(2) Coal Company of Robiac and Besseges (Gard)
Jean Trochesset, laborer, entered the coal mines of Robiac and Besseges on 16 May 1861. He left on 16 June 1861 for a break. Besseges, 24 June 1862.
Engineer: Rouy
(4) Coal mines of Trelys, Foundry and Iron Works of Alais
No. 600. Jean Trochesset entered as a pitman in the coal mines of Trelys on 5 May 1867. He left for a break and free time. Rochessadoule, 20 Aug 1867.
L. Laton
(5) Coal Company of Besseges (Gard)
Jean Trochesset, miner, entered the coal mines of Robiac and Besseges on 1 Sept 1867. He left for a break. Besseges, 13 Feb 1868.
Engineer: Charotais
(6) Coal mines of Trelys, Foundry and Iron Works of Alais
No. 600. Entered as a laborer to wash coal in the mines on 18 Feb 1868. He left for a break from the company. Rochessadoule, 3 July 1868.
Engineer: Salaton
Eleven of these documentations are listed in the book. Jean Victor never
used up all the pages of his workbook. He is living in the United States
a year after his last entry in his "Livret D'Ouvrier".