Pierre MORIN dit Boucher was born 1634 at Normandie, France Died: 1690 at: St. Thomas, Montmagny,
Québec, Canada
He married Marie MARTIN (daughter of Pierre Rene Martin and Marie Catherine Olivie Vigneau) about
1661 at: Port Royal, L'Acadie, New France (now Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia,
Canada). Marie was born 1637 at Annapolis, Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
and died 17 Sept 1714 at Quebec City, Québec, Canada.
Pierre Morin and Marie Martin had the following children;
i. Pierre MORIN Born: 1662 at Port Royal, L'Acadie Died: 15 APR 1741 at: St. Thomas, Montmagny,
Québec, Canada He married Francoise CHIASSON 8 NOV 1682 at Beaubassin,
ii. Louis MORIN Born 1664 Died after 1688
iii. Antoine MORIN Born: 1666 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie Died 14 Jan 1718
iv. Marie Anne MORIN Born about 1668 at: Beaubassin, L'Acadie Died 12 Aug 1745 at Québec, Canada.
She married Rene DENEAU Jean Claude LOUET about 1690 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie.
v. Marie MORIN Born about 1670 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie. She married Jacques COCHU Jean
PINET 8 Nov 1682 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie.
vi. Jacques MORIN Born 1672 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie Died: 30 Dec 1704 He married Marie Anne
LEVERGNE 3 Feb 1698/99 at: Québec City, Québec, Canada.
vii. Jacques MORIN Born: 2 March 1685/86 Died 1757
He married Marie Charlotte JEANNE 1704 at Lauzon, Levis, Québec, Canada.
viii. Charles MORIN Born about 1674 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie Died about 1724. He married Anne
Therese MINET 23 May 1719 at Québec City, Quebec, Canada.
ix. Marguerite MORIN Born 1676 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie Died after 1694 She married Claude BOISSEL
x. Jean Marie MORIN Born 8 Oct 1680 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie Died 30 Jan 1717 at Québec, Canada.
He married Marie Elisabeth HUBERT 18 Nov 1715 at Quebec City, Québec, Canada.
xi. Jacques Francois MORIN Born 23 Sept 1682 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie
xii. Simon Joseph MORIN Born 8 Jan 1684/85 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie
The tragic odyssey of Louis Morin, the son of Francoise and Pierre Morin dit Boucher
Documentation from «Les Morin d'Acadie», by Archange Godbout
It seems that Pierre Morin dit Boucher and 19 of his close relations including wife, Francoise; his son, Pierre Morin II, Jacques Cochu and Rene Deneau; his son-in-law, Pierre Draper; his brothers-in-law, Pierre Gaudin and Pierre Pellerin; his nephews, Jean Chiasson and Michel Chiasson; the brothers-in-law of Pierre Morins son, were all banished from Beaubassin in 1687. Pierre Morin dit Boucher's son, Louis Morin, was said to have made a child with a young lady of Beaubassin. It seems that she was from a family of high standing. Monsieur Trouve, priest, hears the young girls confession, and concludes against Louis Morin. The officer of Roy imprisons Louis and ships him back to France. Enforced by Mr. de Meneval, governor of Acadie, 19 close relations to Louis Morin were banished from Beaubassin and the colony. The goods of these families were confiscated with the profit going to the father of the young lady.
There is no doubt that the Morin family would have faired better if they would have taken their case to Quebec, where Governor Menneval would have had no say in the matter. However, Morin, undoubtedly, did not make a point of going to spread out their miseries in the capital.
Courageously, while his son was inserted in the fogs of the ocean not to reappear any more, the old man Pierre Morin, with the help of his other children, tried to create a new establishment. After being struck by a cruel injustice, the Morins saw emerging on all sides much sympathy and many offers of help, for they had been a family of high social standing. Help in reestablishing a home came from Michel LeNeuf de Lavalliere, and Richard Denys who to repair the wrongs of his family, among others, helped establish the Morins in Ristigouche, in bay of Chaleurs.
The Morin family is found at the bay of Chaleurs in the spring of 1688 "They came to shelter in the shade of its house and its warehouse, to some steps of the micmacque mission."
The Morin family took refuge in Quebec after the death of Pierre Morin dit Boucher, deceased into 1690.
All things considered, if a momentary shade could pass on the Morin family
by failure of one of its members, -- and how many a little family doesn't
count " a black sheep "? -- Let us recognize that, by its courage,
its know-how, its standing, it reached a social standing that many noble
families had been able to envy to him.
My precarious translation of the text, from French to English, concerning this incident.

Pierre MORIN Born: 1662 at: Port Royal, L'Acadie, died 15 April 1741 at: St. Thomas,
Montmagny, Québec, Canada. He married Francoise CHIASSON (daughter of Guyon "Dion" Chiasson and Jeanne Bernard) on 8
Nov 1682 at: Beaubassin, L'Acadie. Francoise was born 1668 at Beaubassin,
Pierre Morin and Francoise Chiasson had the following children;
i. Pierre MORIN Born 23 Dec 1683 at Beaubassin, L'Acadie Married 10 JAN 1707 at St. Thomas,
Montmagny, Québec, Canada Died 4 Feb 1767 at St. Pierre, Ile d'Orleans,
Québec, Canada. He married Marie Francoise BOULET
ii. Barbe MORIN Born about 1686 She married Michel HARBOUR 1600/00 in Mont-louis, Quebec.
iii. Marie MORIN Born about 1688
iv. Sebastien MORIN Born about 1691 Died 15 Nov 1756. He married Francoise BLANCHET 3 Nov
v. Denis MORIN Born 7 Aug 1694 at Quebec, Canada He married Marie Madeleine BOULET 20
Nov 1718 at Riviere du Sud, Québec, Canada.
vi. Agathe MORIN Born 31 March 1697 at Montmagny, Québec, Canada Died 31 July 1733. He
married Jacques BOULET 6 Jan 1715 at St. Thomas, Montmagny, Québec, Canada
vii. Michel MORIN Born 1699/1700 at Mont-Louis Died 20 June 1767. He married Marie FREGEAU
viii. Jean Baptiste MORIN Born 22 April 1702 at Mont-Louis married Felicite Lemieux. Their child and future generations are:
a)Louis Morin/Marie Louise Lemieux b)Joseph Marie Morin/Marie Julie Blais c)Francois d)Xavier Morin/Catherine Adaline Simard e)Henri Albert Morin/Emma Beauregard f)John Paul Morin/ Pauline Claire Antil g)Robert Morin
ix. Antoine MORIN Born 16 Oct 1704 at Montmagny, Québec, Canada
x. Charles MORIN Born 16 Jan 1706/7 at Montmagny, Québec, Canada
xi. Marie Francoise MORIN Born 19 May 1709 at Montmagny, Québec, Canada
The first four children were born at Beaubassin, but this family moved
to Québec some time between 1691 and 1694. All children are listed as having
been married and buried there, mostly in the areas of St. Pierre du Sud,
St. Francois du Sud, and Montmagny.

Denis MORIN was born 7 AUG 1694, Québec City, Canada BAPTISM: 7 AUG 1694, Beaubssia
Arcadia, Nova Scotia DEATH: 20 SEP 1768, Québec. He married Marie-Magdeline (Madelaine Boulet) BOULAY (daughter of Jacques Bouleay and Francoise Fournier) on 20 NOV 1718, Riviere Du Sud, Montmagny, Quebec. Marie-Magdeline was born 7 Apr 1693, Montmagny, QC, Canada BAPTISM: Apr 1693, St Jean, Ile d'Orlean, QC, Canada DEATH: 17 Apr 1765, St Pierre de la Riviere du Sud, Nova Scotia
Denis Morin and Marie-Magdeline Boulay had the following children:
i. Jean Moyse MORIN married M. Josette GAGNE 23 Nov 1750 at St Michel
ii. Joseph A. MORIN married Marie Louise Ladner 2 June 1778
iii. Madeleine MORIN married Joseph FONTAINE on 22 Feb 1745 at St Pierre de la Riviere du Sud, Nova Scotia

Joseph A. MORIN was born about 1739, St Pierre de la Riviere du Sud, Nova Scotia, died about 1805, Mississippi Gulf Coast
He married Marie Louise (Ladner) LADNIER (daughter of Nicholas LADNIER and Marie Anne Madeline PACQUET ) on 2 JUN
1778 Marie was born SEPT 1760, Cat Island, Mississippi, baptized on 31
OCT 1761
Joseph Morin and Marie Louise Ladner had the following children:
i. ***Joseph MORAN II born 6 Nov 1778, BAPTISM: 20 NOV 1785, New Orleans, Louisiana Died before
Oct 1843
ii. Nananet MORIN born 19 NOV 1779 BAPTISM: 20 NOV 1785, New Orleans, Louisiana
iii. Marie Juana MORIN born 12 NOV 1780 BAPTISM: 20 NOV 1785, New Orleans, Louisiana.
iv. Marie Joseph MORAN born in 1782 BAPTISM: 20 NOV 1785, New Orleans, Louisiana. Died 1859 BURIAL: Little River Cemetery; Bayou la Batre. She married Jean Baptiste LADNER on 13 Oct 1802
v. Pelagie MORAN born 18 Nov 1783. She married Jean Baptiste CARQUOT on 5 May 1801
vi. ***Pierre MORAN born 17 Nov 1784 BAPTISM: 20 Nov 1785, (SLC) bk #1 pg 397 act 1227. Married Judith NICAISE (Judique Nicaise) on 25 NOV 1805, Pass Christian, Mississippi. Born to Pierre and Judith was a son: Lucien Morin I [he married Henriette Anatolie Nicaise at Wolf River Mission, MS, 21 Jan 1841. Their son Luicien Morin/Moran II married Elizabeth Odalie DeDeaux at Bay St. Louis, 8 Jul 1860. Their son Ceville Antole Moran married Constance Koerner at Bay St-Louis on 3 Apr 1913. Their son John Daniel Moran married Gloria Elbe Smith at Gulfport, MS 13 Feb 1942.] Born to Pierre and Judith was a son: Pierre Moran, Jr. [ he married Marie Corestina Nicaise. Their son Eugene Jonah Moran married Victoria Malley. Their daughter Anna Moran married Robert Albert Strahan whose daughter Hazel Strahan married Gilbert L. Parton . There son is Gilbet D. Parton]
vii. Francois MORAN born 1789 BAPTISM: 22 APR 1801, Cat Island, Mississippi.
viii. Louise Desiree "Pouponne" MORAN born 1791 BAPTISM: 22 APR 1781, (SLC) bk #2 pg 77a Cat Island, Mississippi. Married Gilbert "Julbare" LADNER on 7 JAN 1807.
ix. Helene MORIN born 1793 BAPTISM: 22 APR 1781, Cat Island, Mississippi. MarriedBasile LADNER in 1817
x. ***Jean Baptiste MORIN born 1795 BAPTISM: 22 APR 1801, Cat Island, Miss.
Joseph MORAN II BIRTH: 6 NOV 1778 in Mobile, Alabama, BAPTISM: 20 NOV 1785, New Orleans,
La. DEATH: BEFORE OCT 1843 Joseph married Marguerite PANQUINETTE on 7 Oct
1806 in New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana. Marguerite was born about
1782 in New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Family Records Show :
From Montreal Canada came three brothers
of the Maurin (now Moran) Family
1. ***Joseph Moran Homesteaded on Back Bay of Biloxi, North side of the bay.
2. ***Pierre Moran Homesteaded back of Pass Christian on the Wolfe River.
3. ***Jean Baptiste Moran Homesteaded on Cat Island in Biloxi.
Joseph Moran married an Indian Princess named "Noatima or Notima", the daughter
of "Apahaha" an Indian Chief of the Choctaw Tribe. Noatima's
treasures and jewelry are in the possession of the United States government.
As all valuables where taken away from the Indians and were never returned
to them.
Attorney William T. Weir of Philadelphia, Miss. said they were still in
the possession of the US government, labeled as her property.
Noatima loved to travel a lot and she had 300 slaves to guide her on her
trips. She died in 1846. Hear say she died in New Orleans, Louisiana, of the "Yellow
Plague", and they brought her body back at night on a schooner and
buried her that same night to keep the plague from spreading.
She was buried on the Moran grounds, before the Moran Cemetery was fenced
off by one of their sons. Joseph Moran was the one to give the Cemetery
property. The Moran Cemetery is now on Santa Cruz Avenue in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Joseph Moran and Noatima had the following children:
1.(M) Joseph Moran III n.1805 d. 1880 m. Virginia Fayard
2.(F) Celina Moran m. Pierre Harvey
3.(F) Clair Marie Moran m. Celeste Ladner
4.(F) Virginia Moran n. 4 Sept 1820 d. 17 Jan 1891 m. James S. Young
5.(M) Francois Moran n. 1815 d. 1887 m. Catherine Fournier

Joseph Moran III was born in 1805 at Seymour, on Back Bay of Biloxi, Mississippi. He married (#1) Virginia Fayard. She was born 26 March 1814 in Woolmarket, Harrison County, Mississippi. She died 9 March 1842 and is buried in Woolmarket by her parents. Joseph died in 1880 at Seymour and is buried in Moran Cemetery.
He married (#2) Caroline (Coralie) Ladner (daughter of Joseph Ladner and Rosalie Fayard) about 1843. Caroline was born 22 Dec 1805.
The Morans had a large kiln where they made charcoal. Back in 1865 after
the "War with the States", Joseph with his son Jean Baptiste
had a sailing schooner named "Clements" which they used to deliver
their charcoal to New Orleans, Louisiana.
All of Joseph Moran's children were born in Seymour, Harrison County, Mississippi.
Joseph Moran and Virginia Fayard had the following children:
1.(F) Marie Louise Moran n. 26 Oct 1833 m. Bernard Sartain m. Francois Taltivall
2.(F) Victoria Moran n 3 March 1835 d. 15 Dec 1885 m. Celeste Fayard m. Richard Louis Boney
3.(M) Jean Baptiste Moran n. 6 Aug 1836 d. 1 June 1924
4.(F) Virginia Moran n. 20 April 1838
5.(F) Delphine Moran n. 25 Dec 1839 d. 24 Jan 1891 m. August W. Newman
6.(M) Joseph Moran IV n. 19 Feb 1841 d. 28 June 1914 m. Catherine Abbley
Reference to properties that bordered Joseph's property at Back Bay, Mississippi.
It is described from the Deed Records (Book 11, p. 95) of Harrison County as:
During the February Term of 1866, the Harrison County Board of County Police granted John Steele a license to operate a public ferry across the Back Bay of Biloxi. About 1868, he assigned his ferry rights to Ramon J. Quave (1852-1908), who would become known as "the father of the village of Seymour (D'Iberville)".
On May 13, 1868, the Steeles purchased a tract of land on the north shore of Back Bay from the State of Mississippi. The Mill Property consisting of 65 acres in Section 18 T7S-R9W. This tract was two arpents fronting on the Bay of Biloxi by 35 arpents more or less in depth between parallel lines; Joseph Moran to the west, John L. Henley to the north, and Pierre Quave to the east. .
This site became known as Steele's Landing, and in the 1870 US Census, John Steele is shown to be a retail grocer in the village of Back Bay.

Jean Baptiste Moran was born 6 Aug 1836. He married Lavinia Parker 6 Feb 1867. Lavinia was born 27 April 1843 at Rose Hill, Parker's Creek,
Harrison County, Mississippi. She died 16 March 1894 in Seymour and is
buried in Oaklawn Cemetery with her parents. Jean Baptiste died 1 June
1924 and is buried at Biloxi Cemetery, Mississippi. Headstone
Jean Baptiste Moran was in the "Confederate Navy", and was released
after the War between the States in Mobile, Alabama. He had to walk back
home to Biloxi, Mississippi. He was also one of the first volunteer firemen
in the Biloxi area.
Jean Baptiste Moran and Lavinia Parker had the following children:
1.(M) John P. Moran n. 25 Jan 1869 d. 9 July 1949 m Josephine E. Krohn
2.(F) Joseph James Moran n. 16 March 1871 d. 17 Dec 1954 m. Viola Seymour m. Cecelia Fountain
3.(F) Cecelia Virginia Moran n. 27 Nov 1873 d. 22 Aug 1922 m. Joseph Lepre
4.(F) Cora Lavinia Moran n. 27 Nov 1878 d. 27 Oct 1929
5.(M) William Antoine Moran n. 28 Nov 1880 d. 28 Jan 1965 m. Ophelia Mallette
6.(F) Mary Elizabeth (Mally) Moran n. 1 March 1883 d. 23 Feb 1944 m. Moise Ryan
7.(F) Laura Victoria Moran n. 17 June 1885 d. 4 May 1982

Laura Victoria Moran was born 17 June 1885 in Seymour, Harrison County, Mississippi. She married
Charles (Charlie) M. Trochesset. Charles was born 17, Jan 1883 in Covington, Louisiana. He died in April
1970. Daily Herald, 6 May 1982, reads in part; Mrs. Laura Moran Trochesset, 96, died Tuesday in Vicksburg. A native of Biloxi, she had lived in Vicksburg for seven years. She had been a member of St. John Catholic Church, Biloxi. Survivors include two daughters, Sister Mary Andrew (Ruth), Vicksburg, and Mrs. Thelma Tell, New Orleans; two sons, Carl Trochesset, Biloxi, and Vernon Trochesset, New York; 12 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandson. .... Burial will follow in Biloxi Cemetery. Photo of Laura Moran and Charlie Trochesset
Laura Victoria Moran and Charles Trochesset had the following children:
1.(F) Ruth Genevieve Trochesset (Sister Mary Andrew) n. 16 Dec 1906
She is a Catholic Nun in the order of Sister's of Mercy
2.(M) Carl John Trochesset m. Thelma Lanny
3.(M) Thelma Marguerite Trochesset n. 27 June 1909 d. 7 Aug 1991
4.(M) James Cecil Trochesset n. 25 Nov 1913? m. Barbara
5.(M) Vernon Anthony Trochesset n. 5 Jan 1920 m. Elsie Benson

Thelma Marguerite Trochesset was born 27 June 1909. She married Gerald Edward Tell 4 Sept 1929. He was born 15 April 1904 and died 19 May 1982. Thelma died 7 Aug 1991. 50th Anniversery Photo
Thelma Trochesset was a housewife and spent her spare time painting. Present
generations still have her collections.
Thelma Trochesset and Gerald Tell had the following children:
1.(F) Ruth Evelyn Tell was born (Private)
2.(F) Geraldine (Gerry) Emelda Tell n. 14 Dec 1931; d. March 2000; m. Jacque (Jack) Rovira (n. 12 Dec 1928
d. July 1978) . Their children are 1. (F) Jacqueline Elizabeth Rovira m.
Blaine Western 2. (M) Randall David Rovira m. Pam ; their children are:
Alison, Courtney, and Chase (M) Stephen Michael Rovira m. Jeanne ; their
children are: Joshua, Jeremy, Savannah, and Olivia.
3.(M) Gerald Edward Tell, Jr. was born (Private) m. Carole Walters m. Linda Marie Pennison. Gerald and Carole's
child is (M) Tracey Arthur Tell.
4.(M) Ronald Arthur Tell was born (Private)

Ronald Arthur Tell born (Private) in New Orleans, Louisiana. He married: 1st wife, Dianne Lucille Staunton on 9 June 1973 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Dianne was born 31 Jan 1951
d 12 Nov 1997 Metairie, LA. Married: 2nd wife, Kathy Jean LaCombe (Broussard) 26 February 2000 in Harahan, Louisiana. Kathy was born (Private) in Fort Dix, New Jersey.
Ronald (Ron) was in the US Air Force. He received his MBA at Washington
State University and is employed by (IBM) International Business Machines.
He started fixing vacuum tube based computers in 1973 and worked his way
up to instructing classes on designing Internet applications.
Ronald Tell and Dianne Staunton had the following child;
1.(F) Rachel Evelyn Tell born (Private)
1.(M) James Savan Broussard, Jr. (Jaime) was born (Private) in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
2.(M) Eric Wayne Broussard was born (Private) in Lake Charles, LA. He married Chandra Stelly, 20 November 1999 in Grand
Lake, Louisiana.

Special thanks to Ruth Evelyn Tell, who has
helped me so much with this MORAN family tree!
1st five generations from the "BIOGRAPHY OF JEAN BAPTISTE BAUDREAU"
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